Health & Safety

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Health & Safety

We are committed to ensuring that everyone who works for us, or who is effected by our work, goes home safely every day.

At Ruddy Joinery, health, safety and welfare issues rank equally with other business objectives and achieving good health and safety performance is recognised as being consistent with overall successful business performance. We also recognise that health and safety should never be compromised for other objectives, and that failure to integrate health and safety into our operations will result in harm to people and associated loss, which is totally unacceptable. Therefore we take an integrated approach where managing health and safety forms part of the overall business strategy.

The objective of the Ruddy Joinery Safety Management System is to prevent, insofar as it is reasonably practicable to do so, during the course of the work or duties being undertaken, any accidental occurrence resulting in:

  • Injury to any person
  • Damage to or loss of any plant, equipment, property, materials or products
  • Delays in any processes or operation
  • Events that may otherwise be detrimental to efficiency and/or prestige
  • Adverse impact upon the environment

The company strives for continuous improvement in the management of the health and safety of its undertakings and takes such measures to improve the safety culture of the company by the positive motivation of managers, supervisors, employees and others as directed by the company

Ruddy Joinery’s Safety Management System (SMS) is based upon the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, and its Approved Code of Practice and a proven interpretation of the Health and Safety Executive’s publication HS (G) 65 ‘Managing for health and safety’.

Safety Management System

The key elements of the SMS are outlined in the following illustration:

Our robust health and safety management system is rigorously implemented by our committed management team, working closely with our clients’ from the early stages of their projects.